The Health sector aims to improve refugees' health, nutrition, and well-being. The Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC) provide health promotion, prevention, curative, and access to secondary/tertiary referral services. Health promotion and prevention services are being rolled out through community health workers linked with primary healthcare facilities. Curative services encompass IMNCI (Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness), SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights), and MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) in addition to general communicable and non-communicable diseases curative services. Referral services are sustained to ensure intra-camp and outside-camp referrals for secondary and tertiary care. Other services, such as oral and eye care, are explored and provided in an integrated manner in close collaboration with Primary and Secondary Health Care providers. An important focus is given to vulnerable groups, including pregnant and post-natal women, newborns under five, those with malnutrition, and persons with disabilities.

IMNCI: IMNCI typically involves a comprehensive package of interventions to improve the health and well-being of newborns and children. This package includes identifying and managing common childhood illnesses, such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, malnutrition, and other conditions contributing to high child morbidity and mortality.

Other Available Services –

  • Emergency Care is available to handle acute medical emergencies and provide initial stabilization. These services may include trauma care, emergency surgeries, and access to essential medications.
  • Immunization programs are conducted to protect children and adults from vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccinations against diseases such as measles, polio, and diphtheria are provided to ensure the health and well-being of the population.
  • Communicable Disease Control includes disease surveillance, outbreak response, and measures to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) conditions to minimize the risk of infectious diseases.
  • Nutrition Programs focused especially on children and pregnant women who are suffering from malnutrition in the camps. Nutrition programs are implemented to address this issue, including the provision of therapeutic feeding, supplementary feeding, and nutritional counseling.

Health services provided by the Primary Health Care Center (PHCC): The PHCC is the only 24/7 primary health service provided to Rohingya refugees and host communities within the refugee camps. Along with the other agencies, IRC has been serving the Rohingya refugees and the host population with essential clinical consultation, laboratory support, medicine, and emergency referrals to higher centers through this PHCC. IRC is operating three such PHCCs in different camps.

List of Services at PHCC:

  • Management of Communicable diseases (e.g., AWD, ARI, etc.)
  • Management of Non-Communicable diseases (DM, HTN, etc.)
  • COVID-19 screening and referrals
  • Sexual & Reproductive Health (SRH) Services: Family Planning- Long-acting acting, Menstrual Regulation, Post Abortion Care.
  • Syndromic Management of STI
  • Clinical Management of Rape
  • Ante Natal Care
  • Post Natal Care
  • Normal Vaginal Delivery
  • Essential newborn care
  • EPI Vaccination
  • Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
  • Nutrition Screening, detection of malnutrition & referrals
  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
  • Minor surgical procedures
  • Pharmacy (supply of free essential medicines)
  • Laboratory Services
  • Emergency Referrals
  • Ultrasonography
  • Gender Based Violence (GBV) Case Management


Available Health services in the Rohingya Camps:Health Camps _ who_cxb_hf_populationpartners_20222410_a3who.jpg

Rohingya Camp wise Healthcare Facilities in Cox's Bazar (as of 24 October 2022)


Hotline number for urgent support:

  1. National Health Service Call Center - 16263
  2. UNHCR Hotline number – 16670; for any support related to Rohingya refugees in the Camps.
  3. Fire Service Hotline numbers are for Ukhiya 01533-283832 and Teknaf – 01782-78789.
  4. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) at all IOM Hospital Hotline numbers – 01847-351787.
  5. Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Hotline number for Cox's Bazar – 01886-555700; Countrywide – 01730020047; operated by Save the Children.
  6. The Government of Bangladesh operated Hotline numbers for Emergency services* –
Sl. No.ServicesHotline Number
National Emergency Service 999
National Information Services333
Fire Service Hotline16163
Child Protection1098
Violence against women and children109/10921
National ID Cards105
Government Legal Services16430
Early Warning of Disaster1090/10941
Land Services / Complaints 16122
Drug Controlling +880 1908888888
Anti-corruption Commission Hotline106

* (Source:


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