By identifying the risks associated with fire incidents and implementing proper mitigation and management measures, we can significantly reduce the damage caused by fires.


1. Prevention of fire incidents related to cooking:

  • Familiarize yourself with the correct usage of gas stoves and cylinders.
  • Ensure the stove is completely turned off after cooking.
  • Do not dry wet clothes on the stove.
  • Prior to lighting the gas stove, ensure sufficient ventilation by opening all windows and doors in the kitchen.
  • Hold a matchstick before turning on the gas knob.
  • If the gas hose is damaged or leaking, it should be replaced.

2. Prevention of fire incidents related to electrical lines and equipment:

  • Electrical lines should be inspected every 6 months, and damaged or substandard electrical wires/equipment should be avoided.
  • Exercise caution when using electrical appliances such as electric stoves, irons, heaters, rice cookers, etc.

3. Additionally, follow these precautions for comprehensive fire prevention:

  • Avoid smoking or disposing of cigarette remnants in designated safe areas.
  • Use open flames with caution, such as candles, oil lamps, and mosquito coils.
  • Minimize the use of highly combustible materials like bamboo, wood, tarpaulin, and polythene in the construction of houses to reduce fire risks.
  • Ensure an accessible water source near residential areas for immediate fire management and keep a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher ready as a primary response to fire incidents.
  • Participate in regular community-based fire drills and receive fire prevention and management training.
  • Familiarize yourself with the proper usage and regulations of fire extinguishing devices and maintain an adequate number of fire extinguishers.
  • Seek guidance from the local fire service volunteers for fire prevention.
  • Dispose of unnecessary dry combustible materials in designated safe areas, such as dry leaves, waste, or paper.
  • Always keep children at a safe distance from the fire.


Actions to take in case of a fire incident:

  • Attempt to extinguish the fire in its initial stage and immediately call the fire service.
  • If a fire breaks out in an oil-based substance, smother it using sand, a thick wet cloth, or a blanket. Cover a gas cylinder with a wet cloth, blanket, or jute bag if it catches fire.
  • In case of an electrical fire, turn off the main switch and never use water to extinguish an electrical fire.
  • When a fire occurs, evacuate physically impaired individuals, women, children, and elderly people to a safe location without delay.
  • If clothing catches fire, do not panic. Immediately cover your face with your hands and roll on the ground to extinguish the flames. Protect the head using a cushion or rolling on a mat to escape the smoke and quickly move to a safe place.

Emergency contact numbers in case of a fire:

National Emergency Service - 999

Ukhiya Fire Service: 01533-283832;

Teknaf Fire Service: 3426-75222, 01782-787891

UNHCR Hotline (support related to Rohingya people in Camps) - 16670


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